A “Puzzling” Fruit Bowl

by | Sep 16, 2018 | Upcycled | 0 comments

Who has puzzles with missing pieces? With a quick request for old puzzles I discovered that I know a LOT of people with puzzles they’ve either put together too many times or just aren’t using any longer.

I’ve been sorting through them for certain colors needed in a long term project, but instead of wasting the unwanted pieces I used them for a smaller project. A bowl made from puzzle pieces!

Check out how it was created in this video:

What I used:

  • Old puzzle pieces
  • Hot glue
  • Acrylic multipurpose paint (brown and gold)
  • Small wooden ice cream bowl

First I started in a small circle and began to build up the pieces using hot glue.

I would glue the pieces slightly outward with each row to make the opening wider as it got higher. The very top two layers I made sure to use extra large pieces. This created a great lip and finishing edge to the bowl shape.

I didn’t worry about the color or size of the pieces as long as there was enough surface area to create a layer.

In hind sight I would suggest painting all the pieces BEFORE building the bowl. Especially if you don’t want the multicolored look (shown above). Because the pieces have so many grooves, sides, and shapes, painting them took waaayyy longer than expected. After 3 coats of brown acrylic paint and multiple touch up with a small brush I think there are still some spots I had to miss

Added gold accents to the top edge pieces!

Finished! For a base I took an old wooden ice cream bowl, turned it upside down, and painted it gold before gluing the finished bowl to it’s bottom.

Now for the fruit. I know I’ve used a lot of things from by grandparents house, but one of the things I had to save was their fake fruit.

For as long as I can remember they had been on display in a fruit bowl on their dining room table (unless it was play time:). I HAD to save it when we sold the house…but not my style. So I painted them! The bowl reminded me of a chocolate dessert so I went for a Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory style.

Don’t they look like fruit shaped candy???

A puzzling bowl of fruit that makes a great conversation piece to this day. What you you make from an old puzzle? Hopefully this inspires you to think in the 3rd dimension! Happy Creating!