Christmas Tree from 15ft Paper Bag

by | Nov 27, 2017 | Christmas Trees, Upcycled | 0 comments

For our 2nd annual unconventional Christmas tree we took a spin off the popular paper bag tree craft and made a life size version.

Yep, you read right, LIFE SIZE. Using a 15ft paper bag, wire, and a lot of white paint.

Watch the process in this video:

The 15ft paper bag was constructed from 3 rolls of Kraft paper and clear packing tape.

Because the paper was much heavier in the life size form, a PVC pipe was used inside the trunk and heavy wire was used to shape the branches.

Although the tree was life size, for Christmas it was rather dull (and dare I say ugly or dead looking?).

To fix this I painted the entire tree white and added some ornaments, tinsel, even fake snow!

The only problem we had was a tree topper. There really wasn’t a “top” to put a star on, so instead we decided to hang a DIY CD Disco Ball instead!

Instead of traditional Christmas lights we decided to use spot lights for uplighting. This gave us the option to change the color of the tree with multicolored plastic filters.


Can you believe this was a giant paper bag? In the end it reminded most people of something out of a Dr Seuss book!

EDIT: Many of you have recently been asking more details on how we did this. At the time I hadn’t taken many notes or progress pictures so instead I created a video explaining step by step with a model. Enjoy!